画家:约翰·布兰登·史密斯 John Brandon Smith (1848-1884)
尺寸:89cm×66cm 有签名
这幅《溪间澈流》是一副典型的写实类风景作品。画家在画中描述了一个很简单的山中场景,夏末秋初的林间,一条小溪顺着山势流淌。溪水由狭窄的深水道流进又浅又阔的地方,潺潺的冲刷着山石,冒出气泡来。这些气泡有的一冒出来就迅速地飘走,不久即破灭,有的则会飘到新的障碍那里,挤成白花花的一团,从远处就能看见。从远处流淌下来的溪水,遇见一个又一个的障碍,但是溪水却毫不在乎,只是聚集为一股股水流,向下冲刷而去。偶尔遇见大的障碍,耳边仿佛能听见,溪水冲刷山石清澈的声音。树顶部变黄的叶子,溪边棕黄色的枯草,这可能是夏末秋初的某一天,画家在水流平缓位置的溪边垂钓,同时观察到的景象。值得一提的是,这位画家似乎对这种林间溪水,瀑布情有独钟,对于绘画水流也掌控得十分出色。透过画面也会有一种水汽扑面而来的感觉。他的画作绝大多数都是这一类的主题,也有着较为不错的行情。 这位画家作品在网站上登记的最古老的拍卖结果是1987年,在苏富比拍卖行售出的一幅画,最近的拍卖结果是2019年售出的一幅画。
John Brandon SMITH (1848-1884) is an artist born in 1848 The oldest auction results ever registered on the website for an artwork by this artist is a painting sold in 1987, at Sotheby's, and the most recent auction result is a painting sold in 2020. Auction price levels for this artist are based on 214 auction results. John Brandon SMITH is also London landscape painter named as Waterfall Smith who exhibited from 1860-1874 at the Royal Academy, also at the British Institute and Suffolk Street. Titles at the RA include “View in Surry, near Haslemere in 1861, the Upper lake Killarney in 1863, on the Conway, Lledr and Dee in1867 the Falls of Foyers in 1868 and on the Neath, South Wales 1872. John is mainly known for his pictures of Rivers and Waterfalls which have been confused in the past with the work of James Burrell Smith .