画家:斯坦利.贺拉斯.嘉丁纳 Stanley Horace Gardiner (British 1887-1952)
尺寸:41cm×46cm 有签名
斯坦利.贺拉斯.嘉丁纳于1887年出生在英国雷丁,曾做过室内装饰学徒,他的第一件艺术作品就是在纸板上用房屋油漆创作完成的。嘉丁纳在艺术方面的正规教育始于雷丁大学, 随后在阿布罗加斯的艾伦.弗雷泽艺术学院学习过一段时间,而后前往美国工作和教学。
嘉丁纳是一位极具天赋的画家,注重色彩与造型之间的关系,其作品往往富有表现力。在作品《康沃尔的溪流晨光》中,画家以短而清晰的笔触,描绘了清晨时分在林间穿流的小溪。画面以纵深构图为主线,将视线最终汇聚在远景中朦胧的光色上。画家选取了景物的背光面来表现景物,因而整体画面充满了沉稳的色调,主要以厚重的土黄色、绿色及褐色表现了树木、草地、青苔、岩石以及这些景物倒映在溪水中的光色。远处的晨光,透过层层雾气照射进林间,在树干、岩石和溪水上留下了点点光斑。 画家用轻巧、灵动的笔触表现了晨光照在林中的光感和空气感,充满动感与激情,体现了印象派的艺术特点。这一部分的表现也使整画体面丰富、生动,富有生气。
Born in Reading, Stanley Gardiner began his career as an apprentice decorator, and his first artistic works were produced using house paint on cardboard. His formal education in art began with a scholarship to Reading University, followed by a period of study at the Allen Fraser Art College in Arbroath, and he then travelled to America to work and teach.
In the early 1920s Gardiner returned to England and, on a visit to Cornwall, he met the artist Samuel John "Lamorna" Birch who encouraged him to settle in the Lamorna valley. Stanley Gardiner spent the last 30 years of his life living and working in the Lamorna valley. At first he suffered extreme poverty, forcing him to live in an army hut. In order to augment his income, he made picture frames for many of the Newlyn and Lamorna artists, including Stanhope Forbes.
Eventually achieving success with his painting, Gardiner exhibited widely and showed work at the Royal Academy between 1927 and 1947. He ran a small painting school from his home at Lily Cottage in Lamorna.