画家:约翰. 詹姆斯.威尔森John James Wilson (1818-1875)
尺寸:51cm×31cm 有签名
安约翰·詹姆斯·威尔森 (John James Wilson) 是苏格兰风景画家约翰·威尔逊的儿子,其画作与父亲的风格有一定相似之处。 1834年,他在英国艺术学院展出了自己的第一幅画作(南安普敦附近的小屋)。1845年,年仅28岁的约翰·詹姆斯·威尔逊当选为澳洲联储的一员,也是此时他的作品质量得到了广泛认可。 他们在1847年之前一直住在伦敦,一直到1849年,他的大部分作品都是以风景和海军陆战队作为主要创作元素。在1853年,他和父亲搬到了福克斯通。
《悠闲的农庄午后》画面中向观者呈现了一段悠闲的农庄午后时光,画面色调整体偏暖,令人舒适惬意。画面明暗层次丰富,如天空云朵用色非单一色系,以冷色辅之,画面空间感及真实感被作者游刃有余地表现出来。 画作环境为农庄,却以房屋为画面的视觉中心,房屋前是玩耍的孩童,将孩童作为画面前景使整幅画作富有张力。其构图心思细腻,作者将这种美好赋予给生活本身而非单一的景色,落笔之处流露出作者对此美好时光的浓浓向往。
John James Wilson (c. 1818–1875) was the son of John Wilson who was a Scottish landscape and marine painter. The son exhibited similar works to his father's and from the same London address until 1847. Most were landscapes until 1849 and marines thereafter. He moved to Folkstone with his father in 1853.John James Wilson was a prolific artist, exhibiting in excess of six hundred paintings during his working life. In 1834 he exhibited his first painting (a cottage near Southampton) at the English academy of art. In 1875, the year he died at home.
Many of his seascape works feature the English Channel. These and other works of his are still popular and are sold at auction houses in Britain and elsewhere.