

画家:安东尼. 凡代克.科坡利.菲尔丁 Anthony Vandyke Copley Fielding (1787- 1855)



尺寸:33cm×25cm 有签名


安东尼. 凡代克.科坡利.菲尔丁(Anthony Vandyke Copley Fielding)是英国著名水彩画画家。他出生于一个艺术家庭,他的父亲诺赞·菲尔丁(Nathan Fielding)同样也是一位水彩画家,他的画作会定期在皇家艺术学院展出。菲尔丁很小的时候就成了约翰·瓦利的学生。1810年,他成为水彩画家协会的举办的画展的参展者,1813年成为正式会员,1831年成为该协会(后来被称为皇家水彩画协会)的主席,直到他去世。 1824年,他与理查德·帕克斯·博宁顿和约翰·康斯特布尔一起在巴黎沙龙上获得金牌。除了出售画作谋生之外,他还主要从事艺术教学工作。

菲尔丁是一位非常优雅,有品味并且有天赋的画家,其画作一直深受买家的欢迎。他画了大量各种各样的风景画,其中也包括海洋题材。从1829年到1850年,他的作品经常可以在维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆和其他主要博物馆的水彩画画廊中看到。1839年出版的《英国风景画年刊》(the Annual of British Landscape Landscape)是他的版画作品之一。

画面中一望无际的原野清新自然,在远处湛蓝天空与婀娜的白云映射下的飞鸟清晰可见。这幅作品很好的遵循了黄金分割原则,在画面的左三分之一处是一棵茁壮成长的大树以及一棵正在旺盛生长的小树, 树下一位红衣牧羊人正坐在横贯地面的树桩上停歇,望向右边不远处的另一位牧羊人,这位蓝色衣着的牧羊人正在落日的余晖下将羊群赶回家去。 地平线被作者巧妙的安排在了画面的下三分之一处,不仅遵循了形式美的原则,而且给予画面以稳定和谐的感觉,很好的还原了自然场景,给予观众舒适宜人的田园感受。

Anthony Vandyke Copley Fielding (22 November 1787 – 3 March 1855), commonly called Copley Fielding, was an English painter born in Sowerby, near Halifax, and famous for his watercolour landscapes. His father, Nathan Fielding (1746/7 - 1819), had exhibited regularly at the Royal Academy and was also a watercolour painter. At an early age Fielding became a pupil of John Varley. In 1810 he became an associate exhibitor in the Old Water-colour Society, in 1813 a full member and in 1831 President of that body (later known as the Royal Society of Watercolours), until his death. In 1824 he won a gold medal at the Paris Salon alongside Richard Parkes Bonington and John Constable. He also engaged largely in teaching the art and made ample profits. He later moved to Park Crescent in Worthing and died in the town in March 1855.

Copley Fielding was a painter of much elegance, taste and accomplishment and has always been highly popular with purchasers. He painted a vast number of all sorts of views (occasionally in oil-colour) including marine subjects. Specimens of his work from 1829 to 1850 can be seen in the water-colour gallery of the Victoria and Albert Museum and other major museums. Among the engraved specimens of his art is the Annual of British Landscape Scenery, published in 1839.