画家:约翰.贝茨.诺尔 John Bates Noel (1870-1927)
尺寸:61cm×46cm 有签名
约翰.贝茨.诺尔于1870出生在英国伍斯特,其父亲是风景画家戴维.贝茨(1840-1921)。约翰很可能在艺术方面受到其父亲的鼓励和教导,因为他们二人的绘画主题和风格都极为相似,但约翰的作品更加流畅、松弛。他擅长使用水彩和油画,描绘西密德兰郡、伍斯特郡和北威尔士附近崎岖的风景。1892年至1919年期间,约翰在伯明翰皇家艺术家协会展出作品。 1893年至1909年期间,在英国皇家艺术学院展出作品。他也曾在一些重要画廊展出过风景作品,包括曼彻斯特美术馆和利物浦的沃克美术馆。
《云影微光》这幅作品向我们呈现了一幅宁静闲适的景象,河流自远处山脉而出,连绵起伏的山脉下是一片悠然的乡村风光,远处炊烟升起,牧羊人与羊群漫步于青草地上,河边的垂钓者怡然自得,漫山遍野的青葱翠色似乎要从画面中溢出,令观众深切感受到了放松与惬意。画中景物分布均匀,横向构图尽显景色宽广。远处山脉细节模糊,朦胧感强调了画面的虚实对比,营造了空间感,同时增添了一丝意境美。作者对光线、明暗的刻画更为细致,通过不同颜色的混合,将河面倒影与反光细腻地表现出来,获得独具特色的光感和空间层次感。 画面整体色调偏暖,由近到远逐渐降低色彩的饱和度,给画面几乎二分之一的留白,给观众以想象空间,同时利用绘画语言来创造“宁静致远”的意境,是形与意的统一。
John Bates Noel was born in Worcester in 1870. He was the son of the landscape artist David Bates (1840-1921) but later on changed his professional name to avoid confusion. It was highly likely that he was encouraged and taught by his father as their subject matter and style bear similarities, although John’s compositions tend to be more fluid and looser. By the turn of the century Noel was living in Malvern where he also taught art. He specialised in painting the rugged landscapes in and around the West Midlands, Worcestershire and North Wales. He exhibited at the Royal Academy from 1893 to 1909 and at the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists between 1892 to 1919. He also exhibited works at some of the major galleries of the time including the Manchester City Art Gallery and the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool.